The fact that there is an International Jugglers’ Association convention -- or even an International Jugglers' Association! -- makes me joyful. Seriously. Maybe my obsession is to be constantly amazed by niches- and, therefore, weird to most out there- things like these.

Also, between writing the above sentence and this one, I fell down the YouTube rabbit hole of some of Anthony Gatto's performances. I can understand your mesmerize-ation. Holy moly!

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Anthony Gatto's story is an amazing one. He still holds 7 world records that he set 20 and 30 years ago and aren't in danger of being surpassed. He was a neurological and psychological anomaly. He just had no peers in the craft and so no one could really relate to him and I think he was lonely in his accomplishment and skill. He stopped juggling more than 10 years ago to open a concrete re-surfacing business.

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Well, from juggling to concrete re-surfacing is a pivot, if I ever saw one! But yeah, I can see how being THAT talented and good at something can get pretty lonely... Imagine if we did more to encourage and foster these extreme outliers in our society

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Yes. Though not sure what we could do. How do you help someone who is that far ahead and feeling as though no one can relate to you? Unless you created a village of outliers, or a support group for the exceptional talents of the world.

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I've come back to read this piece twice now. It's such an amazing moment, everyone transfixed by a kid doing something beautifully, the reverence in this moment. Now I've gone and looked this kid up, and see that he kept at it, to say the least! Grateful, as always, for the story sharing days you host. This one was inspiring and fun—as always. 🙏

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Today's session has left me with all sorts of threads to pull at and follow. Obsession is such a juicy topic. In some ways it seems we all seek it and fear it at the same time. If we're obsessed, we're playing a high stakes game, and that could go either way, leading to the best and least desired outcomes.

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May 4Liked by Rick Lewis

Epic topic. Not ‘what are you interested in or passionate about’ but what are you obsessed with. So great. I have a couple thoughts on that.

I loved your story. The young boy juggler is a wonderful and unexpected illustration of what an obsession looks like. It’s such a hoot that you attended a juggling conference at all.

Of all the times to have to miss a Saturday session, I regret it’s tomorrow.

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We'll use it again sometime as a prompt!

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Great story, Rick -- the amount of unique and interesting life experiences you have to share is really special. The fact you share them, and share them so well, is extraordinary. Loved this line especially: "And if you look back in time, you’ll find a trail of obsession crumbs that you can follow back to where you left your heart’s desire by the side of the path."

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Thanks Jack. I think most people have more interesting stories than they realize and I love hearing about them and seeing them come to light. It's really turning into my mission to help more people recall and share their stories.

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I completely believe in the power of obsession. I feel some people are privileged to find something they are obsessed with. I suppose the parents deserve a lot of credit.

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You're a prime example of what this looks like in real life Ishan. Yes, how we're parented has to be a factor, but there seems to be a basic wiring that makes some of us more prone to obsession than others. And of course whether our obsessions are healthy depends a great deal on the modeling and values that are instilled in us as children.

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...waiting for Wes Anderson to create a ten episode run of "The International Jugglers’ Association Convention"...

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Kind of unbelievable this hasn't happened yet.

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Loved this!

“The authority of their human spirit inspires us, educates us, and creates connection.”

Rick I love your stories and their lessons for us.

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Thank you James.

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Wanted: an obsession!

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: ) - we're going to find it Chao! Although I suspect it's along the lines of being obsessed with not having an obsession.

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haha, you're getting used to how I think!

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